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Showing posts from September, 2017

Michelle Yu Group and the APOG Letter

I received an email forwarded from a member of this group from the APOG steering committee, the APSC. The message is that they have located another broker, the Michelle Yu Group, willing to do a land assembly at a lower commission rate than the Klein Group. I do not have a copy of the listing agreement from the Yu Group, but I have requested one. Until I have seen the actual agreement, I cannot be certain of its contents. However, in the email from the APSC, it says that the listing agreement with the Yu Group follows the APSC proposal sent to Klein by Ed Wilson, the APSC attorney. The discussion below is based on the APSC proposal. If the substance of that proposal is not what is sent out by the Yu Group, then these comments will be updated as appropriate. In short, be wary. The email states that the basic provisions are a land assembly at a lower commission rate and a shorter term. The listing amount is higher but that is fundamentally irrelevant – it is sim